As you have gotten to know me a bit you may have noticed I LOVE science.If you take a minute to do some research you will ultimately discover something new and completely wild. There are so many crazy and unbelievable creatures, mathematical equations, and mysterious wonders in this world that are scientifically proven to learn about, that It’s almost a waste of time to think
about conspiracies theories. But, I excel at wasting time, so without further ado.
1. This particular theory probably affected me more profoundly than any other. - Theorists claim that in 1985 the Coca-Cola Company intentionally changed to an inferior formula when they introduced New Coke. Some avow that the company had the intent of either driving up demand for the original product or used the diversion to reintroduce the original with a new formula that used cheaper ingredients. Coca-Cola president Donald Keough rebutted this charge: "The truth is, we're not that dumb, and we're not that smart." All I know is that I personally suffered greatly the day it all went down.
2. The probability that we live in a computer simulation is far more likely to be true than not. Some have postulated that an advanced alien race has developed a computer simulation and guess what? You’re living in it. It’s not just the wackadoodles who believe this. Many scientific minds including Elon Musk & Nick Bostrom are willing to play the odds on this one. ( If you yourself are a wackadoodle. I wasn’t talking about you. Or was I?)
3. When I hear the term “ The New World Order” I think wrestlers in spandex, but a popular theory states that a group of international elites controls governments, industry, and media organizations, with the goal of total global domination. They are alleged to be implicated in most of the major wars of the last two centuries, just about every political assassination, and the deliberate manipulation of the economy. ( Yep that sounds about right.)
4. Aliens - Too many conspiracies to count. The most popular is that they live among us and the government suppresses the truth. However, a more historical possibility is that the Anunnaki, from Sumerian mythology, were actually a race of extraterrestrial beings who came to Earth around 500,000 years ago in order to mine gold. I’m just glad they didn’t take it all. Or did they?
5. Now this is a big one FLUORIDE!!! In 1945, Grand Rapids, Michigan was the 1st city in the world to fluoridate its public water supply to reduce tooth decay. Although proof exists that high levels of the mineral can cause calcification of the pineal gland, scientists claim that public water supplies are way below levels of concern. Other naysayers allege, that it has been a way to dispose of industrial waste, or that it exists to obscure a failure to provide dental care to the poor. A further theory promoted by the John Birch Society in the 1960s described fluoridation as a communist plot to weaken the American population. The most popular theory is that it is used by the government as a means of mind control. All I know is that my friends wont let me buy fluoride toothpaste.
6. Flat-earth conspiracy theorists believe that planet Earth is not a sphere, and that evidence has been faked to hide the fact that the Earth is actually a disc, or a single infinite plane. The conspiracy often implicates NASA, the Government, scientist, Pythagoras, Galileo, anyone who has ever been in an airplane or a hot air balloon, been on an Island, looked at the horizon, excavated a garden, driven through Kansas, astronauts, and most likely your Grandma. You can probably guess where I stand on this one.
7. The Moon - Is it real? Is it made of cheese? Did we ever actually land on it? The most prolific theories allege that the US Moon landings were staged by NASA in a film studio, with some accusing the involvement of director Stanley Kubrick. Now, I have seen many Kubrick films. All are a bit weird, slow, funky and extremely cinematic. I’m just saying I think if he had staged the Moon landing it wouldn't have come off so square.
J. Lee Roberts (@catalinasden ) Loves gardening, writing, and her peaceful surroundings. She is the author of six sci- fi erotica novels... Read More
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