The Facts Behind the Fantasy
Sacred Energy Vortices;
Science refers to these sacred energy sites as geophysical anomalies. Unlike their namesake, a vortex is not a whirlwind of electric or magnetic energy. Some believe they are only named so based on the energy released when in the presence of such a phenomenon. Although there is no definitive proof that such sites exist, many have reported a measurable feeling of well being and spiritual connection. Some believe major phenomena's such as U.F.O sightings, multidimensional portals and doorways to the after life may emanate form vortex locations.
One thing is certain, ancient societies regarded vortices as sacred sites and believed they held the power to heal the mind, body and spirit. Today, physicist studying string theory may bring us closer to understanding the truth about the vortex.
Fact: In 1972 Ivan Sanderson mapped twelve points of sacred energy on the planet. Each location has been documented with "tangible" amounts of electromagnetic energy.